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NYC Lighting Industry Queers exists as a hub for advocacy, mutual support, networking, socializing, and sharing information about our industry. NYCLIQ (pronounced NY-click) welcomes all LGBTQIA+ people and their allies to join this safe space to discuss important issues such as workplace and hiring discrimination, income parity, harrassment, etc, and to look at more lighting-centered topics from a queer perspective. NYCLIQ was born out of glaring need for queer community and advocacy within the lighting world, particularly as it relates to transgender and nonbinary people. Until now, no structures existed for non-cishet lighting professionals to provide mentorship, share experiences, and support one another. Right now, NYCLIQ is a one-woman operation, but with any luck it will grow quickly. If you're interested in getting involved, please contact us. Not from NYC and want to start your own chapter? Let's talk! NYCLIQ does not profess or seek to be a monolithic voice or the final authority on all things queer in the lighting world. It is one resource-- a place for sharing and dialogue. |
NYCLIQ was created by Alana Shepherd (she/her), a NYC lighting veteran with experience in design, sales, and project management. She came out as a trans woman in 2020, and sought to build this organization to provide the community and support that she herself sought as she tried to navigate finding a job while in transition. It is her hope that together we can make existing in this world a little easier. |
This website is 100% handcrafted using skills mostly forgotten over 25 years of disuse. The lo-fi vibe is partly a choice to do something that stood out from all the Squarespace templates, and partly honest-to-goodness ineptitude. If you think you can do a better job and want to be a part of the organization, let us know. |